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Tactic Nguyen
Tactic Nguyen

UTS International offers academic excellence awards for commencing undergraduate International students enrolling in undergraduate coursework programs at UTS in Sydney. International students commencing in Session 1, 2016 and Session 2, 2016 (inclusive) who meet the criteria will be considered for the award.

Tactic Nguyen
Tactic Nguyen

The Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship provides a partial tuition fee scholarship for outstanding students to study at Macquarie University North Ryde campus. It has been designed to recognise academic excellence and provide financial assistance for international students. The Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship is highly competitive and will be awarded progressively through the year to future applicants to Macquarie University based on academic merit.

Tactic Nguyen
Tactic Nguyen

The student visa interview for Australian student visa is different to some extent from the immigration interview in that the student is questioned on the subjects of the requirements and the need for the higher education choice in Australia. Students are asked about their choice of university, their capability to cope in a foreign country and the plan for their career path in Australia or in their home country.

Thúy Hằng
Thúy Hằng

Studying in a Victorian Government school opens your eyes to the wonders of learning and the world beyond the classroom. You can achieve academic success and secure your pathway to university in Australia, your home country or elsewhere in the world.